Saturday 9 August 2014

No.52. Dark clouds and occasional sunshine

Sorry, the sadness struck again.

MND hangs over us like a big dark cloud.
We wake, it's there,
We eat, it's there,
We talk, it's there,
We laugh, it's there,
We cry, it's there,
We argue, it's there,
We sleep, it's there, especially then, when we snuggle up, there it is again, the constant twitching, the constant, physical reminder of MND's relentless quest to take my husband from me.
But when we laugh the sun shines for a bit, when we hug, it shines a little brighter and everyone who ever has or ever will be touched by this disease, knows the one thing that it can't take and that's the biggest and brightest thing of all, our love.